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Key: Lonchopteridae of Europe (P.L.Th. Beuk)
The key below is that of Barták (1986) with a few corrections and updated terminology as well as the addition of later described species.

Please, note that the online version refered to by Whittington & Beuk (2022) is archived HERE.
Barták, M., 1986. Československédruky čeledi Lonchopteridae (Diptera) [The Czechoslovak species of Lonchopteridae (Diptera)]. - Dipterologica Bohemoslovaca 4: 61-69.
Stuke, J.-H., 2007. Erste Nachweise von Lonchoptera nerana Vaillant, 1989 aus der Türkei (Diptera: Lonchopteridae). - Studia dipterologica 13(2): 331-332.
Vaillant, F., 1989. Contribution à l'étude des Diptères Lonchopteridae d'Europe et d'Afrique du Nord. - Bulletin de la Société vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 79(3): 209-229.
Whittington, A.E., & P.L.Th. Beuk, 2022. A description of a new species of Western Palaearctic Lonchoptera Meigen (Diptera, Lonchopteridae) from Georgia. - ZooNova 20: 1-18.

Last modified 12/12/2023 16:10 by Paul BeukNo of couplets: 12

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Vein R1 with 1-2 dorsal spines considerably enlarged. These spines are at least twice as long and thick as other bristles covering the vein and are located either on the base or near tip of vein R1. T1 with 1-2 dorsal setae in addition to preapical. Postocular setae, including vertical setae, pale, at most a few black postoculars in middle of row (as in bifurcata); mid tibia with av seta one third before tip.
Vein R1 covered with equally long and thick spines.
Enlarged spine on R1 is last bristle before tip of vein; mid and hind femora with long av seta in middle; pd seta on mid tibia inserted distal of upper d seta or at most at the same level. Fore tibia usually with only one d seta in addition to preapical.
L. meijerei Collin, 1938
Enlarged spine on R1 at base of vein; mid and hind femora without av seta in middle; pd seta on mid tibia inserted proximal of upper d seta. Fore tibia usually with two d setae in addition to preapical.
L. impicta Zetterstedt, 1848
Mid tibia with two d and one pd seta in addition to preapical; pd seta inserted distal or at the same level as upper d seta. Preapical ad on fore tibia absent. Males without strong pv setae on mid femur, females without small v or pv seta in middle of mid tibia, at most with small av seta one third before tip.
Mid tibia with two d setae only in addition to preapical; if pd seta is present (tristis female, nerana, strobli), then it is situated proximal to upper d seta. Preapical ad on fore tibia present or absent. Males with or without strong pv setae on mid femur. Females with or without small v or pv seta in middle of mid tibia.
pd seta on mid tibia about as long as or longer than upper d seta. Fore tibia with two d and one pd setae in addition to preapical. Setae and hairs in upper half of postocular row black (including vertical), in lower half they are pale. Antennal scape usually yellow. Mid tibia without av seta one-third before tip.
L. fallax De Meijere, 1906
pd seta on mid tibia shorter than upper d seta.
All setae of postocular row black. Mid tibia with small av seta one-third before tip. Fore femur with 2 d setae in apical third. Fore tibia usually with only 1 d seta in addition to preapical. Hind tibia with only one preapical seta dorsally.
L. nigrociliata Duda, 1927
At most a few postocular setae black. Fore femur usually with 3 d setae in apical third. Hind tibia usually with two preapicals dorsally.
Scutellum contrastingly black. Antennae pale, usually only the tip of first flagellomere and arista dark. Both frontal and peristomal setae predominantly pale. Fore tibia with 2 d and 1 pd setae in addition to preapical. Mid tibia without av seta one third before tip.
L. scutellata Stein, 1890
Scutellum yellow to brown. At least first flagellomere of antennae wholly black. Most of peristomal setae as well as frontal setae black.
Mid tibia usually with a small av seta one-third before tip. Fore tibia with two d and 1 pd seta in addition to preapical. Vertical setae as well as most of postocular setae pale, usually only a few black setae in middle of row. Scape of antennae usually pale, other segments black. Preapical av seta on mid tibia longer than preapical d. Two preapical anterior setae on mid tibia usually differentiated.
[Strong anteriorly directed setae on fore coxa placed on distal half.]
L. bifurcata (Fallen, 1810)
Mid tibia usually without small av seta. Fore tibia with 2-3 (exceptionally only 1) setae dorsally. Inner vertical setae usually black. Antennae either wholly black (lutea) or with scape and pedicel pale (nitidifrons). Preapical av seta on mid tibia shorter than preapical d. Two preapical anterior setae on mid tibia not differentiated.
[Strong anteriorly directed setae on fore coxa placed on basal half at least in L. lutea.]
A female from Corisca [107] has an av on both tibiae.
pd seta on fore tibia present. Antennal scape and pedicel yellow. Male: hypopygium small, reaching end of fourth sternite; periandrium yellow. Female: wings narrow, narrowing abruptly toward tip; anal vein usually ending proximal to fork of vein M.
L. nitidifrons Strobl, 1899
pd seta on fore tibia usually absent. Antennae wholly black. Male: hypopygium large, reaching end of third sternite; periandrium usually brown. Female: wings broadly ovate toward tip; anal vein usually ending at level of or distal to fork of vein M.
Outer vertical seta yellow, rarely black. Male: Cerci rather truncate apically, the three larger setae placed just inside the ventral margin separated from each other, the distance between them about equal to the thickness of the setae, their location anteromedial of the apex of the cerci.
L. lutea Panzer, 1809
Outer vertical seta black. Male: Cerci attenuate, the three larger setae placed apically, immediately next to each other.
Lonchoptera pseudolutea Whittington & Beuk, 2022
Fore femur with one d seta in apical third. Mid metatarsus about 2/3 as long as mid tibia. Mid tibia curved posteriorly in dorsal view, slightly so in female. Male: Fore tibia with one d seta in addition to preapical; hind tibia strongly swollen apically; mid femur with 1-2 very long pv setae in addition to a few shorter setae completing the row. Female: Fore tibia with 1-2 d setae; mid tibia with a small v or pv seta in middle.
L. tristis Meigen, 1824
Fore femur with 2-3 d setae in apical third. Mid metatarsus at most half as long as mid tibia. Mid tibia straight in dorsal view.
Wings with dark spot near the tip. Male: Fore tibia with two d seta (as in female); mid femur without strong pv setae.
L. pictipennis Bezzi, 1899
Wings uniformly brownish. Male: Fore tibia with one d seta (rarely two in nerana, always two in female); mid femur with a row of strong but equally long pv setae.
Basal antennal segments yellowish or antennae entirely dark. Male: Anterior gonapophysa (of Vaillant) with a single very strong and sinuously curved and broadened seta and a second, very small seta near its base. Female: Fore tibia either with or without small pv at about middle (some specimens with pv on just one of the fore tibiae present); mid tibia always without small (p)v setae at about middle.
L. nerana Vaillant, 1989
Antennae entirely dark. Male: Anterior gonapophysa (of Vaillant) with two strong setae. Female: Mid tibia with a small v or pv seta in middle.
L. strobli de Meijere, 1906
(printable version)

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